Free Travel Specials Widget For Your Website
Yes, you read that right! Not only is it free, it's:
- real-time
- totally customizable
- super easy to set up
- did we mention it's free?
If you've been in the travel business for very long, you know that if you need pricing on your site to get customers to inquire.
And having special offers inspires customers to inquire even more.
Those specials you see at left? Those are coming from the travel specials widget.
It's Real-Time
We load specials from all of the major tour operators as they're announced, either on their websites, via their promotions emails, or through special arrangements we have with them.
When a person visits the page on your site that has our widget on it, it fetches the specials matching what you've set up in the widget to pull the current specials from our database.
If there are more specials available than you can show, you'll see a different mix of specials next time you visit your page.
When specials expire, they disappear automatically.
You set it up once...and forget about it.
It's Totally Customizable
For each spot on your website where you want to show travel specials, you can:
- specify your preferred suppliers: so we only show specials from those suppliers
- specify geography: narrow it down to just a region (e.g. South Pacific Islands), or just a country (e.g. Fiji), or just a region (e.g. Mamanucas), or even just 1 or more specific resorts.
- select types of offers: show offers that include air, or air + hotel, etc.
- control what gets displayed: only want to show 3 specials? No problem. Don't want to show the tour operator name? No problem. Don't want to show booking and travel dates? No problem. Don't want the photo of the resort? No problem.
- seamlessly integrate with your website: you can control fonts, colors, font sizes, backgrounds, the size of the resort photos, even how the specials get laid out around your other content. It's all done with style sheets, which means your webmaster already knows how to do it!
You can as many different travel specials widgets on your site as you like, with different criteria for each page you put it on.
It's Super Easy to Set Up
Use our simple, one-page configurator...pick your suppliers, narrow down the area you want to show specials for,
narrow it down to specific resorts if you want, select the types of offers, and how many you want to show. Then click
the Generate Javascript button and copy the couple of lines of code from the box and paste them into your website
(you might need your webmaster to do that bit for you, if you don't edit your website HTML yourself).
Example of our one-page configurator. If you know how to click a mouse, you can do this :-)
That bit of Javascript is what pulls the specials (photo, details, hotel name, restrictions, etc.) from our database and
displays it on your website.
Now, you'll want to use a style sheet to control how the pieces of the specials look: size, layout, fonts,
colors, positioning, etc.
Like the initial design of your website, this part requires some basic junior webmaster skills.
We supply this sample stylesheet to give your webmaster a quick starting point for this.
You can use one layout for one part of your site, and different layout and styles for another: perhaps stack the specials vertically beside your blog posts,
but arrange them horizontally at the bottom for your destination-specific pages.
So Why Is It Free?
Let's be totally upfront: we'd like you to try out our other tools as well. They're not free,
but they're really inexpensive (see our pricing here), and we offer a one-month free trial of those.
Regardless of whether you decide to use our other tools, you're can continue using the travel specials widget for free. Forever!
Ready give it a shot? Or have some questions first? Just send an email to .